Effects of best-practice based materials in receptive language learning behaviours in improving receptive language skills
best-practice, coding, effect, learning beviour, receptive language skillAbstract
This is a part of the research results entitled “The Effects of Best-Practice based Materials in Language Learning Behaviors in Improving Language Skills”. Best practice can generate good theory. In the field of language learning, many experts who have developed language learning theory based on best practices. Theory developed based on best practice has been used for complementary learning materials in the course Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Learning and Teaching) in English Department in a state university as an experimental study. This study aims to find out the effects of Best Practice–based materials in language learning behaviors in improving the subjects’ receptive language skills (Reading, Listening Skills). To find out the effects, researchers conducted qualitative experiment by giving open-ended questionnaires as the pretest and posttest, and treatment. The researchers chose 20 students with the lowest grade points. The differences of subjects’ answers in pretest and posttest indicate the effects of treatment with best practice-learning materials. Data analysis involves observation, open coding, and axial coding. The results reveal the effects on learning strategies to improve the for language skills used by students with the lowest grade point average.
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