Regulation and consumer protection of fintech in Indonesia
The case of Islamic fintech lending
consumer protection, fintech, Islamic fintech lending, policymakers, regulationAbstract
Islamic fintech lending regulation and consumer protection are important matters that serve as behavioral guidelines and guarantee the fulfillment of consumer rights. Islamic fintech lending has high risks, such as default, sharia compliance, and implementation of dispute resolution. This study aims to find and analyze the regulation and protection of Islamic fintech lending consumers in Indonesian laws and regulations. This research is normative juridical research that examines the law as a norm in legislation by using secondary data which is analyzed qualitatively by descriptive analysis method. Normatively, there are no regulations that specifically regulate or contain Islamic fintech lending. Thus, consumer protection is also weak. Policymakers must carry out legal reforms by issuing laws or regulations that regulate Islamic fintech lending and its business activities to realize legal certainty, justice, and benefit.
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